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About Us

About Us

A Welcoming Space for All

The Diwan is a student-run organization at Harvard Graduate School of Education. It is a platform that serves as a gathering ground for experts, academics, policymakers, and students to discuss various subjects such as economics, social affairs, politics, business, women and youth empowerment, education, and other topics relevant to the Arab world.

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To be the premier student-run organization at Harvard University and beyond, promoting cultural diversity, fostering meaningful connections, and inspiring cross-cultural understanding.

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Our mission is to cultivate a vibrant and inclusive community by organizing The Diwan, a monthly event that celebrates and promotes cultural diversity. We aim to create a welcoming space where individuals from all backgrounds can come together to share their unique perspectives and experiences. Through engaging and inclusive programming, we strive to encourage cross-cultural dialogue, broaden cultural awareness, and foster meaningful connections within the Harvard community and beyond.



Cultural Diversity

We value and celebrate the rich tapestry of cultures, backgrounds, and experiences represented within our community. We believe that embracing and appreciating diversity enhances the overall educational experience and fosters a sense of belonging for all individuals involved.


Cross-Cultural Dialogue

We recognize the importance of engaging in open and respectful conversations about different cultures and perspectives. We encourage dialogue that promotes understanding, challenges stereotypes, and promotes empathy and appreciation for diverse viewpoints.



We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where every person feels respected, valued, and welcomed. We actively promote dialogue and collaboration across different cultures, ensuring that everyone's voice is heard and acknowledged.


Cultural Awareness

We strive to broaden cultural awareness by offering programming that showcases various cultural traditions, customs, arts, and histories. Through educational and enlightening experiences, we aim to expand the cultural knowledge and understanding of our participants.


Meaningful Connections

We believe in the power of building genuine and meaningful connections among individuals. By fostering connections that transcend cultural boundaries, we aim to create a stronger sense of community and foster long-lasting relationships.

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We believe in the power of collaboration and partnerships. By working together with individuals, organizations, and communities, we can create a more impactful and sustainable platform that extends beyond the boundaries of Harvard University.

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